Papatoetoe Family Doctors
We are an independently owned family orientated general practice located in the heart of old Papatoetoe. We belong to the Procare PHO and RNZCGP Conerstone accredited practice. Our team of doctors and nurses are passionate about providing quality healthcare that is affordable and tailored to each individuals health needs.
We prefer to see patients by appointments but can see patients urgently if needed. Our team is complimented by physio, hand therapy and midwives.
Plenty parking available at the New World carpark.
Contact us to discuss how we can meet your health needs today.
Dr Karl Cole
MB Chb FRNZCGP PGDip Healinfo
Karl has won the Procare GP leadership award for work in Patient centred design, including advocating for the benefits of Patient portals – giving patients secure online access to their notes. Active in Clinical informatics as a founding Fellow of the Health Informatics NZ.
He was an NZ Army Medical officer for 15 years. He gained NZ Army Commendation for service and a TTCP program award for human factors research, involving deployments to East Timor, Bali and others. As such, he gained experience in tropical medicine, well health checks, military occupational and diving medicine, and family medicine.
He gained a fellowship with the Royal NZ College GPs in 2004 and has been elected as the new College Board member. He is married and has three children.
Dr Diane Leach
She worked as a pediatric registrar in South Africa for several years before coming to NZ. She then spent time at Starship Hospital as a registrar. She is part owner of Papatoetoe Family Doctors, where she has worked for the past 25 years and recently joined Third Age Health as an Associate Medical director.
She loves all aspects of general practice and has enjoyed watching her patients grow up and start their own families. She is particularly interested in paediatrics and looking after the elderly. Her role at Third Age Health, working alongside the clinical team and practitioners, will hopefully help realise the vision of providing an integrated care model for older adults. She is also very involved in women’s health and cardiovascular health assessment and prevention.
Outside work, she has three boys who keep her busy with all their activities.
Dr Randall Sturm
MB ChB 1995 Auckland; FRACGP 2000; FRNZCGP 2001
After completing medical training in Auckland, he initially spent time in rural Australia and obtained the Australian GP Fellowship. He gained the NZ GP Fellowship in 2000 upon return to NZ and has been in a South Auckland General Practice ever since. He completed his business degree, MBA, in 2003.
He is married and has three children. He plays golf and likes following his children’s sporting interests to keep him fit.
Dr Tej Tangirala
He moved back to NZ in 2015. Tej gained valuable experience as a junior doctor in India and NZ in hospitals across the Wellington and Auckland region before enrolling in the GP training program in 2019. His particular interest is managing upper limb sports injuries and learn more about skin conditions and minor skin surgery.
Married to another doctor, he has a toddler son who keeps him busy outside work. He likes balancing work life with spending time outdoors with family, hiking and enjoying playing any sport (cricket, squash and badminton being my favourites).
Alora Whittaker
Practice Nurse
She is a certified smear taker and independent immunisation vaccinator. She is also a busy mother who loves singing, dancing and cheering her son at sporting events.
Dr Lira Lecias
MD 2003 Philippines
She is passionate about promoting health and wellness with a particular interest in preventing lifestyle-related diseases (e.g. diabetes, obesity, hypertension).
She was awarded Filipino-Kiwi Hero of the year in June 2022 for her passionate and dedicated work for the community. Outside work, she’s active in the church community and enjoys supporting children in the music ministry. She is married with two children.
Sharon Vandana
Practice Nurse
Her interest lies in women’s health, and she has over six years of experience in smear taking. She is particularly interested in educating women hesitant to get their cervical smears done. Sharon is passionate about breaking this barrier and making the experience less stressful for women.
Sharon enjoys exploring the outdoors with her family and spending quality time with her kids in her spare time.
Fillicia Widjaya
Practice Manager
Jasmine Faiza
Advanced Health Improvement Practitioner
Jasmine is a registered social worker with speciality in Bi-Culturalism. She is a migrant from Fiji and living in New Zealand for over 25 years. She is an experienced Health Improvement Practitioner. Over 3 years she has worked in 5 different clinics. In the past years, she has worked 7 years as school Social Worker and 3 years as a counsellor in National Telehealth Service. She has worked in retail outlets. She has qualifications in counselling, business and naturopathy. She is passionate about community development, health and alternative medicine/therapies. She developed a model called the Poi for trauma and mental health. She facilitates wellness-based programmes in her community.
She likes traveling, socializing and developing personally/professionally. She has interests in spiritual healing. Jasmine is a mother of 2 adolescent boys and enjoys outdoor activities with them.
Jenevie Ibara
Health Coach
Helena kleis
Medical Receptionist
Trisha Fa'avae
Medical Receptionist
DR Samantha King
MB ChB 1987 Otago; FRNZCGP 2001
Sam has 30-plus years of experience in general practice and after-hours care, predominantly in South Auckland. New Zealand born and bred, she obtained her medical degree from the University of Otago. Sam is a fellow of the Royal NZ College GPs. She is working 1/10's clinical practice at Papatoetoe Family Doctors and working full time as a Medico-legal consultant for MPS.
Sam is married with three children.