Community Services Card
The Community Services Card can help you and your family with the costs of health care. You’ll pay less on some health services and prescriptions simply by showing your card.
Click here for more information about the Community Services Card.
We need more information because:
- We don’t know if one of:
- You have dependent children
- You are 16 to 18 and not financially dependent on a parent or caregiver
- You are 19 or over
- We don’t know if one of:
- Your income is low enough
- You are eligible to receive Accommodation Supplement
- You are a signatory on a public housing tenancy agreement
- Your partner is a signatory on a social housing agreement
The Community Services Card can help you and your family with the costs of health care. You’ll pay less on some health services and prescriptions simply by showing your card.
Click here for more information about the Community Services Card.
We need more information because:
- We don’t know if one of:
- You have dependent children
- You are 16 to 18 and not financially dependent on a parent or caregiver
- You are 19 or over
- We don’t know if one of:
- Your income is low enough
- You are eligible to receive Accommodation Supplement
- You are a signatory on a public housing tenancy agreement
- Your partner is a signatory on a social housing agreement
How to apply for Community Services Card
You and your partner (if you have one) will automatically get a Community Services Card if you’re eligible for:
- Jobseeker Support
- Sole Parent Support
- Supported Living Payment
- Emergency Benefit
- Youth Payment
- Young Parent Payment
- Veterans Pension
If you get:
- Residential Care Subsidy, you’ll automatically get a card, but your partner, if you have one, will need to apply for their own card.
- Student Allowance, you’ll be sent a card automatically when your allowance has been approved, unless you have a partner who’s working, then you’ll need to fill out an application form.
- Orphan’s Benefit, Unsupported Child’s Benefit or Child Disability Allowance, we will send you a card in your child’s name, you can sign the card on the child’s behalf.
What to bring when you apply for a Community Services Card:
You will need to provide 2 documents as proof of identity when you apply for a Community Services Card.
For more information on what documents you’ll need to provide click here.
If you can apply online for more than one service, you only need to fill out the form once.
Assess Your Eligibility
Are you 16 or over?
Residency Status
Relationship Status